Advancing Treatment for Oligometastatic Disease

Published Date: September 9, 2020

Welcome to the September issue of ARO, which focuses on the rapidly evolving field of oligometastatic disease (OMD). While no universally accepted definition of OMD exists, more trials, data and classification efforts are helping to bridge gaps and shift this disease state from deadly to chronic.

Because of its relatively slow disease course and early detection inroads for metastatic disease, prostate cancer has become a front runner for the oligometastatic paradigm. The SA-CME-accredited review article, Management of Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer, provides an excellent update on local and systemic multimodality treatment approaches, literature highlights, ongoing trials, and key areas of future study for this patient population.

We are also pleased to present Radiotherapeutic Management of Oligometastatic Disease in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs): A Current State of Affairs and Perspectives on Future Implementation. This informative review, which also offers SA-CME credit, examines barriers and benefits to expanding radiation treatment to patients with OMD in LMICs based on recent clinical trials including SABR-COMET, ORIOLE, and others. The authors further discuss technological advances to improve access to radiation therapy in these developing countries, which face extensive challenges and a disproportionate burden of cancer deaths—a theme that will be discussed in depth at the annual ASTRO meeting held virtually October 25-28.

Additionally, this month’s Technology Trends article discusses stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) for treating oligometastatic spine disease, and explores patient selection, systemic vs local control, optimal dose, multidisciplinary efforts and related issues.

Beyond the OMD theme, we are excited to offer the insightful research article, Radiation Oncologists Perceptions and Utilization of Digital Patient Assessment Platforms. This well-designed study offers timely findings regarding increased patient expectations in today’s digital age and the impact that online physician reviews can have.

We are also excited to feature the most case reports to date in one issue on a wide range of topics, a third SA-CME-accredited article on radioresistance and therapeutic implications, and a Resident Voice editorial on the new ARRO Equity and Inclusion Subcommittee. This editorial stresses the critical importance yet discouraging lack of diversity in radiation oncology, despite its proven contributions to innovation, creativity and better patient care. Our December issue will continue this essential dialogue on racial disparities, featuring review articles on health care inequalities relating to lung and colorectal cancer management.

Please enjoy our September edition, and thank you for your continued support throughout this exceptionally challenging year where unity, perseverance, and hope are cornerstones to progress.


Suh JH. Advancing Treatment for Oligometastatic Disease. Appl Radiat Oncol. 2020;(3):3.

September 9, 2020