Shine On: ARO Updates and Opportunities

Suh John H. MD *

Dr Suh is the editor-in-chief of Applied Radiation Oncology , and professor and chairman, Department of Radiation Oncology at the Taussig Cancer Institute, Rose Ella Burkhardt Brain Tumor and Neuro-Oncology Center, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH.



    Happy summer! We hope this issue finds you enjoying the season’s added daylight and perhaps a sunny getaway to relax and recharge. In line with bright horizons, we have a few updates and reminders we are excited to share, including the addition of two new members to the ARO editorial advisory board:

    Vimoj J. Nair, MBBS, MD, MSc, FRCPC , is an associate professor of radiation oncology at the University of Ottawa; and a clinician investigator in the Clinical Epidemiology Program (CEP) at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI), Ontario, Canada. Dr. Nair will serve as the CNS section co-head of the ARO board.

    Maria Tolia, MD, MSc, PhD , is an associate professor of radiation oncology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Crete, Greece, and head of the Radiation Oncology Department, University Hospital of Herakleion in Crete. She will head the gynecologic oncology section of our board.

    We are very pleased to welcome Drs Nair and Tolia to ARO and appreciate the important insight they will also contribute as members of the international radiation oncology community.

    ARO Opportunities

    Additionally, we would like to remind you of the many offerings ARO produces beyond the pages of the journal. Please head to for a closer look at:

    Blogs. Featuring topics from climate change to redlining to brachytherapy’s current reputation (and beyond), our regularly updated library of blogs provides engaging summaries on thought-provoking subjects.

    Webinars. Complimentary and on demand, these 1-hour presentations take a deep dive into various radiation oncology topics, typically expanding on review articles published in the journal. Initial webinars are featured live with audience Q&As that round out the events.

    Podcasts. Hosted currently by medical students pursuing radiation oncology, these engaging discussions explore pressing topics in areas such as education, adaptive radiation therapy, virtual reality, global health, terminology debates, and more.

    Student committees. Along with developing podcasts and webinars, ARO ’s self-regulated student committees offer opportunities in peer review, writing, and social media engagement, as well as a chance to network with fellow medical students.

    Enewsletters. The Student Scan enewsletter is a wonderful quarterly resource written for students by students and presents interviews with radiation oncologists, synthesized hot topics, field opportunities, and more. ARO also features a biweekly enewsletter for subscribers, which highlights industry news and updates regarding journal activities.

    Continuing education. Each issue features complimentary CE articles approved for 1 hour of credit, and a catalog of offerings is available online.

    We hope you explore, share, and enjoy these opportunities, as well as the new articles that we are proud to feature in this quarter’s issue. We wish you a safe, wonderful summer, and thank you very much for your continued support of ARO ’s efforts in print and online!



    Suh JH. Shine On: ARO Updates and Opportunities. Appl Radiat Oncol. 2024;(2):3 - 3.

    June 1, 2024