December 2017Vol 6 • Issue 4

Emotional-intelligence-centric leadership training for radiation oncologists
By Hoffe SE, Quinn J, Frakes J, Dilling TJ, Saeed NA, Harrison LB
December 14, 2017
Augmented and virtual reality: Exploring a future role in radiation oncology education and training
By Jin W, Birckhead B, Perez B, Hoffe S
December 14, 2017
Incidental nodal irradiation in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer treated with involved-field IMRT
By Sharma S, Whaley JT, Zou W, Shepherd AF, Xanthopoulos EP, Christodouleas JP, Both S, Rengan R, Simone CB II, Apisarnthanarax S
December 14, 2017
CB-CHOP: A simple acronym for evaluating a radiation treatment plan
By Dean M, Jimenez R, Mellon E, Fields E, Yechieli R, Mak R
December 14, 2017
A case of spermatic cord leiomyosarcoma: Clinical presentation, treatment and literature review
By Beydoun B, Weinberg B, Hurst N, Khoury N, Ahmed S, Kasza T, Cher ML, Tang K
December 14, 2017
Management of internal mammary nodal recurrence after palliative mastectomy and postoperative radiation therapy in triple negati
By Rice S, Rosenblatt P, Feigenberg S
December 14, 2017